INVOICE Dear Subscriber, Order Date: 10-17-2024 Charge: $419.99 Your subscription with GEEK SQUAD will renew today and $419.99 is about to be debited from your account by today. The debited amount will be reflected within the next 24hrs. In case of any further clarifications or block the auo-en wal service please reach out to our, Customer Help Center: +1803 2614918 Billed To: Customer ld Number : 7238WEU1782 Invoice Number : 46782468234 Renewal Date : 17 ,oct, 2024 Product Amount Product Code Product Name Security Services $419.99 4237423472 Order ID 23487EWS If you didn't authorize this charge, You have 24 Hrs. To cancel & get an instant refund of your annual membership, Please contact our customer care: +1803 2614918 Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored, And you will not receive a response. Thanks And Regards, Team Geek Squad: +1 803 261 4918
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