Order ld: R5GIJ8ZPIIV7UB80L Transactbn Date: 2024, September 04 Helpdesk: +1 (856) 318-9301 Thank you for your order to CoinBase Global, Inc. We appreciate payment PayPal 2024, September 04 for your Coinbase Gobal Inc order. We would li}æ inform pu that $449.88 has been charged to your account using fre email address. This charge will appear on yx:wr account statement witlin 24 hours. Payment Informatbn You've bought: 0.023 BTC vaue: $449.88 Transactön Fee: $5.49 Merchant Informatbn Cohbase Gbbal Inc, Your hvoke: KW#675 30060KW Total: $455.37 Issues wth Transactbn? You have 24 hours from the tine of the transactbn to depute and stop thS transacton. Cal the TOLL-FREE number bebw to reach PayPal Support. Helpdesk: +1 (856) 318-9301
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