Dear Visitor, Yotr Geek Squad Sectrity Senices atrmal plm has beal renewed for ffe fonowilg yea. It has debied S453.37 USD from yotr registered accomt. The Ymsaction was completed successftny, md on you bank statement shortly. Accor&g to the ageed ageement, this plm be automadcany renewed, and die followiig charges wi be d&ed from you accout Billed To, Customer ld ORE9P4LHOR Transaction ld 20RFH419TCGS02BR Invoice Number 51153916LYXE Description GEEK SQUAD SECURITY SERuCES Date of Stbscrvtion 25-October-2024 Subtotal Sales Tax Total One Yez Subscr+tion USD 0.00 USD S453.37 USD If you did not agee to dis you have 24 hoars to cancel md receive irznedate refind of yotr amntal subscription by contacmg Otr customer senice: +1 (888) 341-6415 Have a wonderful day! Geek Squad
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