
wisdomtree.com crypto scammers whatsapp group

2024-10-31 18:21:38 - anonymous

I saw a crypto trading group add on Facebook and joined their WhatsApp group to check out their trades. All trading advice was very detailed and correct. They had a competition on that would last for one week, if you set up a Wisdom Tree account and deposited $67 USDT or equivalent in other crypto or AUD, you would be able to vote for Jason Brown in the competition and receive $2000 interest free trading funds for the week. After the week was over they would take back the $2000 but the profits you would make from the trades were yours to keep.

They did daily trades in which I made about $400 USDT over the week. Many people in the WhatsApp group talked about adding more funds to their account so they could make more money per trade. They would share screenshots of how much money they added eg $20.000 USD etc to encourage people to add more to their account.

By then I already knew this was a scam so I never added more money... When the week was over and I tried to take my money out, the transaction showed up as pending and it never went through.

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