(201) 502-8481
Business Voice Listing Robocall - your company may not be registered with Amazon, Alexa, Siri or Google Voice Systems
2023-10-03 23:13:46 - eliz22
Transcript: Reaching out to you today because your company may not be registered with Amazon, Alexa, Siri or Google Voice Systems. Clients are currently looking for your type of services in your area. If you're interested in showing up where clients are looking services, press one now. When customers say Alexa or Siri, I need whatever services you offer near me. You do not show up. Currently, over 50% of searches for your type of services are done command and growing. We are only taking a select few in your area, so be sure to press one to see if you qualify. If you're interested in receiving these jobs, press one now. If you're not interested, press two or dial 866-894-6197 to opt out.