Norton Impersonators sending Fake Invoice
Scam/Fraud Info:
Invoice details:
Thank you for your order, Here is your details INVOICE IDProduct DetailsJMNL04282023YURNORTON PROTECTION Order Summary INVOICE ID:JMNL04282023YURSTART DATE:2023.04.28FINISH DATE:1 year from Start DatePayment Mode:Auto debit from accountStatus:Completed PRODUCT NAMEQtyTotal AmountNORTON PROTECTION (JMNL04282023YUR)1$561.00 USDSub-total$561.00 USDDiscount00.00Total$561.00 USD If you wish to stop subscription and claim a REIMBURSE, then please feel free to contact our BILLING & SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT as soon as possible. You can Reach us on 1) _8(Eight) - 0(Zero) - 8(Eight) - 2(Two) - 8(Eight) - 9(Nine) - 9(Nine) - 6(Six) - 9(Nine) - 7(Seven) Sincerely, BILLING & SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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