Financial Hardship Loan scam
Scam/Fraud Info:
From: Nicolis Cloes
Date: Wed, May 24, 2023 at 2:33 PM
, I am rea chi ng out from t he Fin a ncial Help L ine, wh ere I hav e been assigned to as sist with you r a pplic ation for hardship assist anc e. I have reviewed your ap plication and am please d to inform you that you have be en pre-approved for up to $37,000 in financial support. Our program is de signed to pro vide unique oppo rtunities to th o s e faci ng fin ancial difficu lties, and I woul d be honored to assist you in enrol ling. To that end, I wou ld l ike t o sc hed ule a call to di scuss the details of th e program and a nswe r an y questions you may have . If you are avail ab le, pl ea se call back at: 855.942.3580, Thank Y o u, N icolis Cloes
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