Auto Renewal Scam (email)
Scam/Fraud Info:
Email: Robert J Goebel
Email details:
Your auto renewal service has been processed successfully, and your expired service plan has been renewed. Your payment for the Network & Device Protection plan using your pre-approved payment method has been processed successfully, with a total of: : [ $618. 18] Want to know more about the order payment terms? Get in touch with us at: +1 (888) ’ 712 '4543. We are happy to inform you that your PC plan is now active, and you can expect continued protection until 12-June-2024 without any change in pricing. Our top priority is to ensure quick and effective solutions for our esteemed customers. In case of any requirement, we urge you to discontinue your subscription, cancel any incorrect charges, or unsubscribe within 48 hours from the transaction date. Please contact us at +1 (888) ’ 712 ’ 4543. We believe that providing excellent service is our responsibility, and we’re dedicated to ensuring that you always receive the best. If you encounter any difficulties or want to cancel auto renewal, please reach out to us. Your satisfaction in our service is our ultimate goal. Yours truly, Robert J Goebel Customer Service Solutions Desk TAG ID - 03LMX14Q9NFJ1Z8AO-BKD2V7D5I89
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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