Political Robocall
Scam/Fraud Info:
The husna gahatan Shweri Kaitan obama fried the simhigave moiradika lider can kinder in ishgaven ziggawana zidar bitter the nerve nirazanigi Gangam oi elton zanaranivas bar hasham drive strigah kim and to zazdashamzi nakamala kalagavar the Doctor's Almasy barkhasham up best in flataka gavisa Bagrain singer obadis Shatnish the help in the Zan Abides name of Israel of a case of minulam helps Rosen names of his drives helper Kaitan North and Simchas and AHAs drit number eins Obi camp get million fee rendered acting $50 oyeva Mahayo other get twice even dollar other cantor drink number einstein tis kilometers. This hotline is powered by ESSEC Technology Corporation's Hotline Systems. For any inquiries or comments, call 845-213-1229 or email us at service@eseqtech.com. Have a wonderful day. Nabaknaba zoifio mitzimah outclinkin juries.
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