AMC Theatres and Chloe Walker, +44740674496
scammer website
2023-10-02 14:36:21 - anonymous
When you begin the work you deposit some of your own money to start the process. All you have to do is click on 5 stars to the review of a film. There are 32 tasks per round and you do 3 rounds a day. You earn commission depending on the money you input which determines the percentage earned. All money earned in vommisdion plus your deposit can be withdrawn every day. Sometimes you are given a "Premium" ticket where you are required to add more if your own money before you can review. The commission on this ticket is far higher instead of 1.7/8% I think it's 5. This is when they get you. Since some tickets have a negative price of anywhere from £30 approx to £900 or more. If you haven't got that sort of money they tell you to borrow it from friends or family. They emphasise again that once you have completed all the tasks you can instantly withdraw all your commission plus all your money you put in. If you can't pay this they won't help you they keep on and on that there must be a way you can pay so you can get your commission back at the end. You then have to quit and loose any money you have put in.