, MEI QUYNH NGUYEN, @huynh0606
I am adding additional information for this case I have reported earlier. I traced my money to OKX23. OKX23 then transferred it to OKX10. OKX10 contains three incoming transfers of $200 million, $150 million and $130 million. All these accounts are used in stolen funds from myself and other victims. It seems this is a large criminal network to be dealing in this large amount of money. The girl who is the directly culprit in my case is: Mei Quynh Nguyen (Picture in attached driver license). She is here on a Business Visa that requires her to deposit $500K. After 5 years, the visa status is upgraded where she is able to get a green card. She has a house for rent and an apartment complex she bought for $700K years ago. Money most likely from scamming people. Telegram Handle for Anh is: @huynh0606. It is still active as of 5/8/2024 Her Gmail address is: Her phone that she called me from the initial contact when Telegram did not work is: 312-488-3551 Lives in Winnetka, IL 60093 DOB: 06/06/1986 HIEGHT: 5'8 WEIGHT: 115LBS ZIPCODE: 60093 NAME ON DRIVER LICENSE: MEI QUYNH NGUYEN Her driver license picture is attached. I am certain the information on her driver license is valid. It should not be a problem for authority to validate the rest of the blurred-out field on her driver license. Lost around 186461 Dollar Crypto addresses: 0x9Bc5460D539b4b6b2e120BC0850644B2E8916554, 0x5120B4910D74AD81eaAe3A6694d9327735ab547E, 3AYuYZrHievAdFiSVjuXJEMqTkFLH6FcvW, 0x3D55CCb2a943d88D39dd2E62DAf767C69fD0179F, 0xc5451b523d5FFfe1351337a221688a62806ad91a, 0x9723b6d608D4841eB4Ab131687a5D4764eb30138, 0x7eb6c83AB7D8D9B8618c0Ed973cbEF71d1921EF2
2024-09-01 04:46:06 - jvjohn22