the reply-to email is
Scam/Fraud Info:
investment scammer named Arif Khan contacted me via email, here is the entire email text:
H e l l o I am a private agent that connect both projects and company owners to investor ( those companies and projects facing financial crises or bankruptcy , my investor is a former Politician in-terested to invest his f u n d s he got during his regime in you to a*void paying a lot of taxes to y o u r government during the investment. Even if your activities facing financial crisis or are in a stage of bankruptcy. His Excellency also offer l o a n with little in-terest 1.5% for periods of years. His Excellency is also requesting your assistance in helping him t r a n s f e r all his f u n d s ( Billions of dollars USD to your country or any country of your choice for investment as Joint Venture. His Excellency promised to offer you a substantial percentage of 50% of the total a m o u n t involved of 397.6 Billions dollarsUSD ( that is 50% for you and the rest 50% for him )he will also handle over his 50% back to you for investment in y o u r names to avoid paying a lot of taxes to your government during the investment. Please contact me in my private e-mail ( for more details, your response will permit us to put you in direct contact with His Excellency to enable him send you the investment contract agreement. Also His Excellency have golds for sell 4.800 kg , purity 96.66 , Carats 24+ Price 35.000$ dollars USD. Thanks M r s JENNETTE G O D W I
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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