This individual called hscox94 is impersonating Harry Styles. Various people are wondering if it is Harry Styles. Read more to find out.
Scam/Fraud Info:
To keep it short, hscox94 is not Harry Styles. The real Harry Styles has only one Instagram account, verified with a blue checkmark; click here to visit Harry Styles Official Instagram account.
Most fake celebrities buy Followers on different websites that sell High-Quality Followers for a few Dollars.
Here are some examples where you can buy Instagram Followers quick:
This explains why his follower stats are so high in a short amount of time. Some fans of the real Harry Styles found out that the fake hscox94's real name is Josh, and he is supposedly a pedophile.
We settled up a little investigation and looked up hscox94 on Google and other search engines; various teenagers spread the fake Instagram account hscox94; some say it is Harry, and others say it is not. We can confirm that it is NOT the real Harry Styles.
You only need to copy his Instagram Username ID hscox94 and go to Instagram's Password Reset page, paste the copied Username into the field and click the blue button 'Send Login Link.'
We were one step ahead of you and did it already; here is the outcome:
You can see that it is a Google Gmail address. The real question is, why would Harry Styles use an email ending in ''? We can tell you because it is not Harry Styles; it is a fake pretending to be Harry to either get attention because he is a nobody in real life, or he is a pedophile trying to lure underage fangirls to various other platforms where he will ask them to perform sexual acts in front of their camera, or telling them to send explicit images and videos of their bodies.
The next funny thing is if you do the same steps as above to reset someone's password, but this time with Harry Styles actual Instagram account called harrystyles, you will not see any Email address because of protection reasons; real celebrities have this protection, and fake celebrities do not, that is the reason why you can see the Email address of the fake.
To go back to the previous point, many young fangirls are spreading the fake account and pretending to know that it is Harry Styles, but they do not see that they are sending other fangirls straight into hell; they need to be very careful of what they say because this could harm someone who will fall for the fake that they are spreading around social media.
Here are some examples of fangirls spreading the fake account:
As you can see, they do not seem to be very smart because they are helping the fake to lure underage fangirls onto his account to groom them further.
But some fangirls know what they are talking about; we want to shout out to this female's TikTok account for standing up and warning other fans of Harry Styles. Thank you, @itsnothesameasitwas! ❤️
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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