What out for this scammer pretending to be Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves does not have social media he is a very private person and has stated in interviews he does not have any social media because he would like his private life to remain just that private. Notice the incorrect spelling of the last night. BEWARE and DONT FALL FOR THESE SCAMS EVER and please report each and everyone of these pages that the scammers are impersonating celebrities, and also submit posts this amazing site and group of people. #Just say no. https://instagram.com/keanureaves2fans?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Scam/Fraud Info:
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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