live:.cid.bcabc43c5c73a2f5 Sugar Daddy scammer +1 7608480966

He pretends to be a Sugar Daddy on Skype and WhatsApp but its a scam and ask for razer gold gift cards

2023-08-03 22:47:16 - anonymous

Scammers Skype: live:.cid.bcabc43c5c73a2f5

Scammers WhatsApp: +1 (760) 8480966

Scammers Instagram:

Scammers Telegram: @Sugardaddyhonesty

Scammers PayPal:

His scam script:

Listen to me 

Please don’t get caught up and scammed again 

Most of the people are hiding under the images of sugar daddy and shit is crazy !

Listen to me 

I’m going to give you $5,000 for your first payment and I just hope you spend wisely 

I’m not the type to lie to you 

But you have to get a gift card code and the reason why a gift card code is required is because for every transaction I make there’s a percentage that goes into the PayPal 

You get the gift card code lil by lil till it’s complete but I’m offering you $5,000 for your first payment and I just hope I don’t regret my action

Platform: Skype

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