Order ID- 69622298830 PayPal Date: 9 August 2024 Dea We have noticed an unauthorized transaction on your PayPal account concerning an amount of $799.99 USD, which was charged on 9 August, 2024 If you are uncertain about this transaction, kindly notify us within the next 12 hours by calling our Helpline Number: +1 (862) 258-1803, and inform us about the transaction using the Trade ID below. Upon verification, we will be able to return the amount to your account within 6 hours from the time of reporting Items Bitcoin(BTC) INVOICE 11): 69622298830 ORDER SUMMARY Unit Price $799.99 Quantity 0.022 unit Sub Total Total Amount $799.99 $799.99 DESCRIPTION: Auto-renewed PAYMENT MODE: Online TRANSACTION ID: f19DjfVqClsX However, if no response is received within this time frame, we shall release this transaction, which will be reflected on your account statement shortly. If you didn't make this transaction kindly contact our support team to revoke it or claim your retum Please speak with our service advisor +1 (862) 258-1803
Scam/Fraud Info:
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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