My post on Twitter about reports by FalseCelebs were liked by @RobertBulkna. Profile started following me. I followed back & shortly thereafter I received a msg.. We texted on Twitter for about 2 days. I shared my experience with a scammer using the name of Kingsley Burleson, also used stolen pics of the real Brandon Burleson. Bulkna mentioned reporting it to a government agency so that I could get compensated for my loss. Loss was only $100 ( one hundred dollars). He stated that due to his work he wanted to chat on WhatsApp. I asked if he’d do video chat.. I never got a response. I mentioned I have HangOuts he agreed to chat there. I have created an e-mail specifically for this purpose. To chat with new acquaintances, till I determine their reality. He constantly requested that I report my experience, & loss due to the scammer of December 2020 - January 2021 .. he gave me an e-mail that made me suspicious. Why would a government agency use a @ yahoo e-mail. The e-mail is icc.department … I initially sent a simple e-mail inquiring what site did this e-mail represent. Later that evening Bulkna texted on HangOuts..he repeatedly asked me if I had e-mailed the icc. I told him yes. Frequently during our chat in which he complements my appearance a lot, & also mentions that he has 1 month left on his work contract of 10M dollars. Asked for my shoe size, which I thought weird for conversation to get to know me.. he stated he would like to buy me shoes & cosmetics ??♀️???. Also asked that I start looking for an apartment to be ready upon his arrival because he knows I’ll live with him. Next day he’s still asking if I mailed the icc. This day I did send details with screen shots. Today day #3 I receive notification from icc.department informing me that they have evaluated my case & determined I’m eligible for $400,000 compensation. However I must pay a $500 fee to process. I sent screen shots to Bulkna on Hangouts. I haven’t responded to his text. He is trying to reassure me that it’s legit.. I’ll wait for your report. I SERIOUSLY DOUDT IT! I requested video chat. He declined says he’s a very busy man, however he’ll text at my 4:30 to 5:30 am time telling me it’s time to wake up.
Scam/Fraud Info:
Reports are submitted by people globally. If there is enough evidence, it's likely a scam. Celebrity impersonators are always considered scammers, often stealing money and resorting to blackmail if you've shared sensitive photos.
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